Need to Knows

If your dog has a grooming appointment and is here longer than two hours AFTER we call and tell you that your dog is done, you will be charged for doggie daycare.


If you no show for a grooming appointment, a $20 fee will be added to your file, and must be paid before any future grooming appointments.


If your dog is being groomed and becomes overly stressed or out of control, the groom will be stopped for both the groomer's and your dog's safety, and you will be called to come get your dog.  We will then insist that your dog is given a "pre-grooming medication" prescribed by your veterinarian before any future appointments. 


All dogs must be on a leash when picking up or dropping off your dogs. DO NOT let them run free. 


If you want your dog to have grooming while it is here being boarded or trained, we need to know prior to drop off. Our schedule fills up fast, and if you want to ensure our ability to get it done, we need to know in advance of their drop off.


If you reserve a room for your dog during a time that we are full and you pick up your dog early, you will still be billed for the days that you reserved. This is most likely to happen on holidays and weekends.  If we are not full and have not turned people away, we have no problem not charging you for the days you did not use.


If your dog is an escape risk (digs, jumps fences, etc), we need to know at the time of drop off.


If your dog is showing any signs of major illness, we will not accept them. 


"Break" (allow them to pee and poop) your dog before allowing them to enter any of the buildings.  If your dog defecates, please ask for a poop bag so that you may dispose of it properly.


If any client's humans repeatedly ignore the guidelines we have set forth, we will have no choice but to drop your dog as a client.  We have these guidelines for very good reasons, and they are not negotiable.


Thank you.