What size are their rooms?

The inside portion of all rooms measure 5 foot by 5 foot.  All rooms also have a doggie door that leads to a 5 foot by 10 foot outside area that they can access 24 hours a day (except during times of extreme weather).  


Are your buildings heated and air conditioned?

Yes. All of our boarding, training, and grooming areas are climate controlled.


How old does my dog have to be to be boarded? Does my dog have to be potty trained?

We board any pup that is 8 weeks or older/off of mom's teat.  Being potty trained is not a requirement for staying with us.


Do you only accept certain breeds of dogs?

No, we do not breed discriminate.  ALL breeds are welcome at SVDC.


Do you board "aggressive" dogs?

Yes.  We understand that many dogs are labeled aggressive, when in truth, they are only fearful.  We do require that we be made aware of any aggressive tendencies so that our staff may be aware and prepared to take necessary precautions when dealing with an "aggressive" dog.


What vaccinations are required?

State law requires that we have proof of current Rabies, Parvo, Distemper, and Bordatella.  The only exception to this is if the pup is not old enough to recieve a vaccination, or is unable to due to medical reasons. If it is due to a medical reason, we must have a signed letter on letterhead from your veterinarian.


What paperwork needs to be filled out before boarding or grooming, and can I get it in advance?

Boarding clients need to have the following completed forms:

*Pet Owner form

*Pet form


Grooming Clients need to have the following completed forms:


*Pet Owner form

*Pet form


All of these forms can be found on the main page of our website at the bottom right hand side if you wish to fill them out prior to drop off. If not, we do have hard copies available to be filled out at drop off time.


What are your pick up and drop off times?

We are open 8am to 5pm, Thursday through Tuesday barring some holidays (see our 2018 holiday schedule in the articles section on the right hand side of the homepage).  You may pick up and drop off any time during our regular business hours.


Do you provide the food for their stay?

No. If we provide the food for their stay, an additional $5 per dog per day will be added to your bill.  It is much better for your pup to stay on their regular food to keep their routine consistent, and to avoid any tummy upset from an abrupt change in their diet.  Additionally, their food needs to be in a hard plastic or metal container.  Although all rooms have a basket on the front of them, they fill up fast with their personal items. It is a violation of state regulations for us to sit bags of food on the floor. They must be in a rodent and/or bug proof container. The most commonly used items are storage tubs for large amounts of food, and for smaller dogs, tupperware style containers with lids.


My dog has food that needs to be refrigerated. Is this a problem?

Food that needs refrigerated is not a problem at all. Our boarding area has a refrigerator for any foods that need refrigeration.


My dog takes medications. Is this a problem or an extra charge?

We are happy to administer medications to your pup while it is here.  There is no extra charge.  We do, however, reqiure that a method of delivery is brought if it is an oral medication. We will NOT shove pills down a dog's throat. Just because you can set it on the top of their food at home, doesn't mean that it will have the same success here.  We must have pill pockets, cheese, or something similar to administer the meds with.  We will not traumatize your furbaby, nor put ourselves at risk of harm, to force a pill down any client's throat. We do have a refrigerator in the boarding area for any items that need to be refrigerated.


May I bring comfort items for my pup (s)?

Yes.  We will accept one bed or blanket per dog, provided they are clean and flea free.  We will accept up to 5 toys per room, and as many chewies and treats as you want to bring for them.  Please make sure all items are clearly marked with either the dog's name or your last name.


Do we bring our own food bowls?

No. With the amount of dogs that we have on a daily basis, and since we change them out for clean ones every few days, we request that you do not bring your own bowls unless it is a special feeder such as a slow feeding bowl. We cannot accept glass bowls of any kind.


Why does my dog have to have a properly fitting collar on?

We require all pups to have a properly fitting collar on for control reasons. If your pup decides he'she does not want to go back to their room after playground, we need to be able to snap a leash on to their collar to return them to their room.  A properly fitting collar should only allow for two fingers to be slipped underneath it. This is very important as we also do not want to have them back out of their collar when on a leash, resulting in no method of control and/or traumatizing your pup trying to regain control.  This is non negotiable except in the case of a medical condition. 


Will my dog get plenty of exercise?

Yes, all pups staying here are given playground time approximately every two hours.  Throw in the fact that their rooms are large enough for them to be active in, and we can almost guarantee that your furbaby will go home one pooped pup.  


Do all the dogs get to play together on the playground?

No. Unfortunately, you can take two of the nicest dogs on the planet, and still run the risk of a dog fight. That is not a call that we EVER want to have to make.  As a result, only dogs from the same family are allowed on the playground together.  Everyone else takes individual turns.


My dog has not been spayed or neutered. Is this ok?

We will accept dogs that have not been spayed or neutered for boarding and grooming.  All male dogs should be neutered before training.  They must be at least two weeks post-op before we will accept them for training. 


How far in advance can I make reservations?

SVDC fills up fast on weekends, holidays, and throughout the summer.  We suggest making them as soon as you know your dates.  We currently have reservations for over a year away.


Will you open early or stay late for me?

Simply put, No.  Either we give up what little family time we get, or we pay a staff member overtime to stay late.  Not only is it unfair to staff to have them stay late, it is not cost effective for us.  Respecting our business hours not only fosters a positive relationship, but it also ensures that our prices stay the lowest that they possibly can.



What methods of payment do you accept?

We currently accept cash, check, PayPal, and Venmo. 


Can someone else drop off or pick up my dog for me?

Yes.  We require that we are made aware in advance, and given the name of the person picking up or dropping off your pup for you. 


Why can't I go back to the boarding area unless I am on a tour?

It is very disruptive to the pups staying with us to have people in and out of their living area numerous times a day.  This can be very upsetting to our more shy and timid guests.  Additionally, our insurance company has stated that for liability reasons, they do not want this to occur.  Under no circumstances are minors allowed in the boarding area.  We understand that our clients' humans will want to see where their pups will be staying (we would), so we request that you take a tour in advance.


What are your groomers qualifications?

As of September 2018, Tammy has been a groomer for over 15 years. Tammy is originally from California where she trained under a show dog groomer. After moving to Kansas, she worked as a vet tech at Atherton 's in Salina, eventually becoming their groomer and also working at Petco as a groomer. 


Does the groomer receive 100% of her tips?

Yes.  Our groomer works very hard to perform the best quality work.  She earns every penny of her tips, and as a result, receives every penny.  


What are your boarding and grooming rates?

Please see our "Services" page for pricing.


Will I be charged for unused nights?

If we are not full and have not turned anyone else away, we have no problem not charging for unused nights that were reserved.  If, however, you book nights during a time where we are full and have turned others away, it is our policy that you are still charged for it.  The reason for this is that we have had many people overbooking the amount of time for their pups stay during "busy seasons" and then picking up early, essentially costing us hundreds of dollars a night as it is virtually impossible to then rebook that room with such short notice, leaving rooms to sit empty.  We simply cannot afford to let that happen as we are a small business on a tight budget.  
